Let's Bloom Together

We are a community of purpose-driven women who leverage our collective resources to make a difference in the lives of women and children in metro Atlanta.

Why Bloom?

Our Reasons to Bloom


Giving improves lives, and not just for the recipients. In fact, scientific studies have shown the positive effects on the health and well-being of donors as well. Our shared passion for giving fuels our identity as a community. We embrace the opportunity to help women and children throughout Atlanta.

Personal Growth

As a community built on generosity, we seek to be a catalyst for change in the lives of others and our own.

Authentic Relationships

In today’s world, genuine friendships can feel few and far between. Bloom is a curated community of women committed to uplifting and supporting each other. Why? Because we know that together we can do and be more.

Ongoing Connection

Like a garden, a community requires continuing and intentional care to thrive. We make space for dialogue and fellowship to foster meaningful connections.